General Overseer, Pst. S.O Morounranti Send Hertfelt Message To The Congregation

General Overseer, Pst. S.O Morounranti Send Hertfelt Message To The Congregation


Still on the new month atmosphere, where every individual spares some time to appreciate the Lord for another great opportunity to witness a new month.

In the spirit of the new month, General Overseer Pastor S. O. Morounranti warmly welcomes the congregation into December with gratitude and anticipation. Expressing appreciation for the congregation’s faithfulness, he encourages reflection on the year’s journey, emphasizing unity, prayer, and gratitude in overcoming life’s challenges.

Pastor Morounranti leads the congregation in prayers for continued blessings and divine protection. As December unfolds, he inspires unity and purpose, fostering a community prepared to embrace the blessings and opportunities of the new month, marking a period of hope and renewal.

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