Few Words About Us

A Bible believing Church of Apostolic Bible truth and the doctrines of the gospel. We believe in Bible aligned prayer.

about us

Fire Fire Evangelical ministry is God’s embassy raised to preach, teach and guide, all men to Christ. We have an unrepentant goal of raisin men who stands uncompromising to navigate through the end time storm. Bible and nothing else is our manual. We set the standard that balance of the swing of both ends. The word and prayer. We are committed to increasing heaven daily and by the power of our captain depopulate hell.


The Divine Vision that God gave His Minister is to preach the undiluted piece of the gospel, lead men to salvation expand Christ’s embassy on earth, raise mighty men for God’s kingdom; to teach men the mindset of God and make them understand how to please Him, to raise armies that increase heaven day by day and depopulate hell.

We are greatly committed to preach, teach and make known the truth of the Bible, to present Jesus as the only message and to dismantle the powers of darkness through the power of prayer. As we teach the word, we hold firm to God’s mighty power deposited in prayer to crush and destroy every demonic forces that stands against man in order to be delivered to do the will of God.

We are indebted to make every individual understand the will of God for his life and to be a formidable Christian.

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our mission

The Church set the perfect example of Christ’s mission. Soul winning, Evangelism, Teaching, Preaching and raising Armies for Christ is our focus. Our Objective is to preach Christ and lead men to salvation. We teach the message in the vineyard in the manner that nourished different categories of men in the hierarchy. The goal is to reach all men irrespective of language and culture.


The Divine Vision that God gave His Minister is to preach the undiluted piece of the gospel, lead men to salvation expand Christ’s embassy on earth, raise mighty men for God’s kingdom; to teach men the mindset of God and make them understand how to please Him, to raise armies that increase heaven day by day and depopulate hell.

We are greatly committed to preach, teach and make known the truth of the Bible, to present Jesus as the only message and to dismantle the powers of darkness through the power of prayer. As we teach the word, we hold firm to God’s mighty power deposited in prayer to crush and destroy every demonic forces that stands against man in order to be delivered to do the will of God.

We are indebted to make every individual understand the will of God for his life and to be a formidable Christian.