1. HOLY BIBLE: The holy bible contains 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 New Testament books. It is the inspiration of God. It is the final authority concerning the lives of Christians. The scripture entails the mind and principles of God; it shows the clarity between heaven and hell. It is a bearing and staff for pilgrims. It is sword at the hands of spiritual soldiers. It is a meaning scale for the daily living of Christians. It is the fountain of help for the spirit, mind and our body.

Bible is the only scriptural book that reveals the heart, the will of God; it reveals the sinful and hopeless situation of men. It entails the solution. It contains the judgment, condemnation and destruction of sinners. It reveals hope and joy available for whoever that believes. Its teachings are pure, it makes to draw closer to God. It transforms one’s life.

  • It is a light that guides
  • It is the spiritual food that supports
  • It makes the ignorance turn wise towards the path of God
  • It gives salvation to believers
  • It is the shield for Christians
  • It makes those that abide by it holy
  • It is the manual for the living of men.

(psm.119:105, Jhn.15:7, 2Tim.3:16-17, 1Pet.1:23-35, Psm.119:9, Josh.1:6-8, Psm.1:1-3, Deut.17:8-9, 5:1-8, Prov.30:5, Ephe.6:13-17)

  1. GODHEAD: The bible teaches that trinity is the revelation and manifestation of God Himself. As God the father, He is our creator who reveals Himself to sinners that inherited the nature of sin. As God the son. He revealed Himself through incarnation to the form of men in order to render salvation, make His blood the propitiation of our sins and to sacrifice Himself to Conquer satan and sin, to shut the gate of hell and open the doors of heaven. To conquer forgiveness, justification and adoption for whosoever that repent and believe.

As God the Holy spirit in order to live within us through our means of repentance and faith in Him. To direct, teach, comfort, lead, guide, sanctify, empower, and give victory over sin. (Gen.1:1-3, 18:1-3,10,13, 17, 20-33. Gen.19:1, Jhn.1:1-5, 14, 16:5-11, 20:26-29, 5:17-24, 14:7-14, 16-20, Rev.1:8, 21:6, 22:12-13) it is so simple to explain which I think should as well be simple to believe. Human being as well was created in these forms. The spirit, mind and body, you can be a father, a teacher and also a pastor of a particular person.

  1. THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF JESUS: what a matchless wonder and sign that Jesus Christ is the son of God who was born without chromosomes, trait and genes of Adam. It is a sign given by God that He is the savior, to save the seeds of Adam and Eve from sin. He was not produced formed from the intercourse and coition of man and woman, He was not produced from defilement but by Holy spirit (Isa.7:14, Matt.1:18-22, Rmn.1:4, Lk.1:26-38, 2:1-20). Jesus was begotten from the power of Holy Spirit to save the seed of Adam that had fallen into sin and bring us to God.
  1. THE SINFULNESS OF ALL MEN: The bible teaches it, and we believe that all men born through the coition of man and woman are sinners. We are made so through the nature we inherited from Adam and Eve by the course of their fall. Men hence produced from their generation are worthy for the wrath and fury judgment of God (Psm.51:5, Job.14:4, Rom.3:23, 5:12-17, Mrk.7:21-23, Ephe.2:1, Isa.64:6)
  2. REPENTANC: The bible teaches that genuine repentance comes through faith. When you read or heard about the sinful state of men and you proceed further to be free. We believe it and it is illustrated in five fingers:
  3. Admit you a sinner
  4. identify your sins

iii. confession of sins

  1. Readiness to forsake the pleasure of sin, world and devil; totally.
  2. Readiness to take the steps of restitution.

It entails absolute transformation from sins and abstinence from the deceits of lust. This is expected of every sinners that want faith. (prov.28:13, Isa.55:7, Ezek.18:21-23, Mrk.1:15, Lk.24:46,47, 13:1-5, Acts.2:38, 3:19, 20:20-21, 2Corin.7:10, Heb.6:1-3)

  1. FAITH IN CHRIST:- Faith is Christ is to give your life to Jesus, allowing Him to lead in all the ways of your life, absolute reliance on him. These are the expectations of God rightly after you report. Repentance brings preparation towards the savings power of God. Repentance alone does not provide salvation. It is repentance and faith in Christ Jesus. God sent John the Baptist before Jesus came, you must receive the ministry of John the Baptist (repentance) before you can receive the ministry of Jesus (salvation from sin). Faith and trust in christian has nine branches:

– Believe His birth

– Believe His name

– Believe His words

– Believe His sufferings

– Believe His blood

– Believe His death

– Believe His Spirit

– Believe His resurrection

– Believe His ascension

(Rom.10:30-34, Jhn.9:35-38)

  1. RESTITUTION:- This is amendment of our wrong doings, returning things obtained through fraudulent practices, confessions of sins, seeking of forgiveness from the victims of your gossips and backbiting. This is essential in order to posses a good conscience. Restitution is a vital product of genuine repentance. Gen.20:1-8, 14-18, Eks.22:1-17, Lev.6:1-17, Num.5:6-8, 2Sam.12:1-6, prov.6:31, Ezek.33:14-16, Mtt.23:24, Lk.19:8-9, Act.23:1-5, 24:16, James.4:17; 5:6, Mtt.3:8, Acts.26:20.
  1. JUSTIFICATION: This is the privilege through the saving grace of God obtainable by sinners that repent and rely absolutely on Christ. Forgiveness and removal of sins are available here and they are hence regarded as righteousness by faith in the blood of Jesus that saves as atonement in order to stand before God as through we never sinned. (Psm.32:1-2, Isa.1:18, 13:38-39, Rom.3:24-30, 4:6-16, 5:1-2, 2Corin.5:17-21, Gal.2:16, Ephe.2:8-9, Titus.3:5, 1Pet.1:23, Col.1:21-23) It is by faith that we enter into Jesus and the Spirit of God comes into our life.
  1. WATER BAPTISM: Baptism comes after reconciliation with God through repentance and faith in Christ. It is a cardinal teaching that symbolizes being dead to sin, satan and self and being alive to God and forsake devil, word and sin to give your life to Him alone. It is the commandment of God that must be obeyed after we reconciled with Him. The immersion is done once and not thrice but in the name of the father, son and Holy spirit, it is not anointing head with water, making mark of the cross on fore head but immersion into a following stream. (Mtt.28:19, 3:13-17, Mrk.19:1-6, Rmn.6:4-5) It stands for God’s commandment to Abraham (Gen.17:9-14)
  1. THE LORD’S SUPPER: This is the establishment by Jesus Himself for all men. It is done to reveal the death of our Lord till the time of His comings. We use things like unleavened bread/without yeast which symbolizes the body of Christ and fruits from vine which stands for His blood. This is done once in a year. The remembrance is done once, perhaps the Passover it replaced is always done once in a year. The Lord’s supper entails making and entering into convenant of one flesh with God. These are utter consequences for anyone that takes it unworthy. (Matt.26:29, Lk.22:17-20, 1Corin.11:23-30, Eks.12:1-36, 43-51)
  1. ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION: This is the gracious work of God in the life of those that have become saved by His spirits. God make use of faith, His spirits, word and the blood Christ to perform spiritual surgery. On this operation, addicted and inherited nature adamic and generational natures are removed. Sanctification produces loves towards God, it brings godliness, holiness and peaceful living. It makes one quality for good use. It is not obtainable through religious effort nor self denial. God is the one responsible for doing it in life of saved people. Your own part in it is.
  2. Commitment to fully understand the words of God
  3. Have faith and trust in His word

iii. Commitment and longing for It in prayer and fasting

  1. Coming out of flesh desires, sin and world, (Lk.1:74-75, Jhn.17:15-17, 1Thes.4:3-7, 5:22-24, Ephe.5:25-27, Heb.2:11-14, 1Jhn.1:7, Heb.12:14, 1Pet.1:14-16, Heb.13:10-13.
  1. PRAYER: This is a channel of communication to God. It is also waging war against satan in correspondence to the words of God. Prayer is a spiritual warfare directed towards communication with God or fighting the devil. Prayer is not meant for an ordinary person. As ingredients makes soup, so do prayer. The words of God, faith, fasting, zeal, faithfulness, pledge, charity, patience, knowing and doing the will of God are ingredients that makes prayer. It is believed that whoever that is to pray must have reconciled with God (Lk.18:1-8, 11:1-13, Mtt.26:41, 6:13, 2Chro.32:20, Ephe.3:14, Mtt.7:7)

We believe in Zealous prayer. It is not just communicating with God but also a means of spiritual warfare. (Matt.12:29, 11:12)

  1. FASTING: This is abstinence from foods and drinks for some particular period of time. We believe fasting aids prayer. Fasting is like a sickle to pluck. It is spiritual treatment. It is used to humble our life for the Holy spirit. It is harmful for anyone without Christ to engage in fasting, his life shall be opened for demons. It is our usual practices and believe to engage in fasting. A clay three days, seven, marathon. A person that cannot pray and fast may not posses the faith to enjoy the blessings of God, he may be afflicted by demons. (Matt.4:2, Eks.34:28, Deut.9:9, 1King.19:8, Mtt.17:21, 9:15)
  1. HOLY GHOST BAPTISM: This is divine empowerment upon Christians that have been made holy. It shows in forms like speaking new language. It is the promise of the father for the sanctified. Empowerment manifest through the works of spiritual gifts, in his words thoughts and acts and in holiness. Speaking language in tongues does not require form of training, and it is not by force. It is done as the spirits leads. It is the Holy spirits that gives utterances. (mtt.3:11, act.1:8, Lk.3:16, 24:16, 17:26, 16:12-25, Mrk.16:17, Act.21:18, 10:44-46)
  1. FRUITS OF THE SPIRITS: The bible teaches and we believe that the fruits of spirits are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. They are the characters of God. They are traits that portrays a servant of God without which no man can be of God. After we reconcile with God, abiding in Christ through obedience helps to be fruitful. It draws the hand of God and hence, man becomes more fruitful (Jhn.15:1-8, Mtt.7:15-21, Gal.5:22-23)

Fruitfulness makes God to be glad An unfruitful person shall be cut off, (Isa.5:1-7, Mtt.3:8, Mrk.11:12-14, Lk.13:6-9, Mtt.21:33-34. To be abundantly fruitful, we are in need of sanctification, abiding in God and obedience.

  1. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: The bible teaches and we believe gifts of the spirits are speaking in tongue, prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, spirit of discernment, gift of miracles, healing are manifestation of the power of Holy spirit in the Christian life in order to perform extra-ordinary. Possessing the gifts of the spirits without holiness makes the gifts a fake one. We believe gifts are what should be possessed by each and every children of God. Gifts of the spirits that comes from holiness are essentials to be pursued. Gifts are meant to work but the fruits upholds one life to the standard of God. (Rom.12:3-8, 1Corin.12:8-11, 28-30, Ephe.4:1, Mtt.7:20-23, Jms.1:17, Prov.18:16)
  1. SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES: The bible attest the fact God still works through signs and wonders as testimony to His promise. Jesus said “unless you see signs and wonders you may not believe” Jesus claimed to have been the one John referred to, He said “Believe on me for those works of miracles” (Heb.2:1-4, Jhn,4:48, 13:37, 14:11. 5:36, 10:38, Mrk.13:22) These bible texts are confirmations that God work signs, wonderful and miracles. They are evidence that back up His words in order for people to understand. However, signs and wonders are not the utmost essentials but the saving word of God, words of God that gives life. When ministers proclaim His word, God do support it with evidence through signs and wonders.

God does not want us to rely solely on miracles but on his words (Rom.1:16, 1Corin.1:18, 15:1-3, 1Pet.1:23-25, Jhn.6:53-63,) signs and wonders are works of God, it is the duty of a minister to preach and proclaim the word, God use miracles as evidence to support His words.

  1. REDEMPTION FROM CURSE, HEALING AND HEALTH: These are made provided through the suffering, chastisement, death and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eks.15:26, deut.7:15, Psm.103:1-5, prov.4:20-22, Isa.53:3-5, Mtt.8:16-17, Mrk.16:15-18, Act.10:38, Jms.5:14-16, 3Jhn.2, Gal.3:13-14) All these are provisions of Jesus for our life if we have faith in Him, we can receive it all, No child of God deserves to be under curses, sicknesses and problem.
  1. EVANGELISM: Bible teaches that evangelism is God’s commission for all believers. Jesus commanded it and God desire that all Christians must arise for the need of others and be fruitful, bringing others to Christ. It must be our to-do assignment by revealing Jesus to others. Be it on the road, at home on the street, at your place of work, markets etc. it is an assignment to proclaim Jesus to others. (Matt.28:19-20, Mrk.16:15, Lk.24:46-49, Jhn.17:18, Act.1:8, 1-4, Psm.125:5-6, prov.11:30, Dan.12:3, Ephe.3:17-21)
  1. CHRISTIAN FAMILY: It is the bible texting that a Christian family is the union of a man and a woman till death part them, children are the additional of blessings, joy, crown and fruits marriages. The man is the authority and leader while the woman supports. Both the husband and wife have each responsibilities expected of them by God. The children as well have their responsibilities towards their parent. Therefore, the Christian family is a model of church.

It is an institution by God in order to send godly children to the world. (Gen.2:24-25, Matt.19:3-11, Ephe.5:21-33, Col.3:18-21, Ephe.6:1-4, 1Pet.3:1-7, 1Tim.5:8, 1Corin.7:3-5, Mrk.2:14-16). We stand on the word of God that say the husband shall cleat unto his wife and so do the wife to her husband. They must stand as faithful family.

  1. MARRIAGE: it is teaching the bible and we believe that marriage is an institution established by God, a union between a mature man and woman (maturity in natural and spiritual sphere) according to the wall of God in order to live together in holy matrimony, purified for partnership and procreation till death do them part. Polygamy is a violation of the law of God.

The new testament does not permit anyone to divorce her husband or wife when he/she is still alive. A new born again that mamed in a wrong way must restitute his/her ways. (Gen.2:24, deutr.7:14, Job.23:11-23, 2:14-15, Rom.7:2-3,  Ephe.5:31-33, Mtt.5:31-32, 10:3-9, Mrk.10:2-12, Lk.16:18, Jhn.4:15-19, Gen.20:3-7) Below are the procedures of marriage for children of God, if we want to enjoy the blessings of marriage.

  1. Knowing the certainty of the will of God over who you are to many
  2. Inform your pastor/leaders
  3. Confirm the genuinely from another person
  4. Medical test
  5. Talks between both of you to discuss your past lifes
  6. Parental consent
  7. Courtship
  8. Introduction
  9. Court registry
  10. Post courtship interview and post marriage counseling
  11. Pregnancy test for the woman
  12. Engagement
  13. Wedding
  1. THE CHURCH OF GOD: we believe in the teaching of the bible that the church is the model of heavenly church, it serves as an embassy where heavenly candidate are registered, those that have become children unto him. Church is a mandatory place for believers who have repented. It is a place where spiritual nourishments are made available. It is a place to care for the baby in spirit until they become mature. Therefore, some people are called as Apostles, others as prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers for the growth of the redeemed. The church contains personnel like founder, church leaders, group leaders, workers and members. They have their responsibilities respectively. (Heb.10:25, Act.2:41-44, 6:1-7, 1Tim.3:1-15, Tim.1:5-9, Eks.18:13-26)
  1. CHRISTIAN CEREMONIES: Christianity has procedures and set up for every activities. Ceremonies should not stand for a means of fund raising. Anyone having ceremony must.
  2. He/she must understand the ceremony is to celebrate joyfulness.
  3. You must understand ceremony is not a means of raising money for yourself
  4. You must understand it is a means of gratitude on the God over the good thing that happened. You should not expect anything from people that attends.
  5. You should not go into debt. Do the ceremony in line with your financial capability
  6. Night ceremonies are not worthy for Christians



  1. You must know it is your duty to celebrate with the person
  2. You should stand by the person in term of assistance and aids
  3. You must not find money by all means because you want to attend
  4. Joyfully, you must eat whatever they served you.
  5. Inculcate the habit of giving gift to celebrants (if you have the means) (Matt.22:1-14, Lk.14:7, 1Corin.10:31-33, 1Thess.5:22, Psm.2:11)
  1. CHARITY : The Bible says give and it shall be given unto you. Good measures, shaken together, pressed down, overflowing. For the same measure. You use for others, the same shall be used for you. As a child of God you must understand how to pay tithe of your income. You must know how to give to the poor, you must know how to show gratitude to God. You must understand how to render willingly offering to God. These are ways by which children of God gives. (Lk.6:38, Jms.2:13, Mrk.3:6-12, Neh.13:10-12, Prov.3:9-10, 11:24-26, 21:3, Jms.1:27, Gen.4:1-5, 8:20-22, 18:1-10, 14:13-20)
  1. THE WILL OF GOD: The bible teaches to seek the things that are acceptable unto God. Do not be unwise but have the wisdom of the will of God. God have witness of David as a man “after His heart”. We do not rely on the visions profitable to the Carnal body alone but the genuine will of God. (Ephe.5:10, 17, Rom.12:2, 1Thes.4:3, Act.13:22, Psm.89:20-22, Prov.16:7). A good case study of profitable vision is the one Elisha that led him to follow his master all way even till the
    passed over Jordan. (2King.2:1-12). His vision was clearly different from those of the other sons of the prophet. The kind of vision of Paul the Apostle (Act.21:11-16) that makes him a qualified man that to preach before the great Jewish multitude, Felix, Festus, Agrippa and even unto Caesarea and even by this great godly vision got to Rome, and people were saved and believed through his ministry.
  1. DOING THINGS IN A RIGHT WAY: It is the teachings of the Bible and what we believe that for everything there is time and pattern. There is time for everything under the sun (Eccl.3:1-17, 8:6, 1Chro.13:1-14, 15:12-13, 1:29) it is our duty to obey all the commandments of God.
  1. THE CHRISTIANS CROSS: The bible makes to understand that “if any will follow me, let him deny himself and follow me” “if any man cannot take up his cross and follow me he is not worthy of me” (Mtt.10:38, 16:24, Mrk.8:34, Lk.14:27, Jhn.12:24-26). This make us to believe with conviction the cross is essential for Christian. They are the Christians obligations.
  1. RAPTURE:- This is the final separation of the sinners and saint. It is the catching up to saints to heaven. Rapture is the first part of Eschatological events. This is what Christians look forward to, it can happen anytime.
  1. RESSURECTION OF THE DEAD: It bible teaches and makes to understand that all souls that lived upon earth shall resurrect. The first part into honour and there are in four sections:
  2. The resurrection of Christ, the first among the dead
  3. Resurrection of the old testament saints 1Thess.4:13-17

iii. Resurrection of the saints through the great tribulation. Act.20:4

  1. Resurrection of the new testament saints. This is during the second coming of Christ. While the second part are for people into shame and eternal suffering (Job.19:25-27, Psm.71:20, Isa.26:19, Dan.12:2, Jhn.5:28-29, 1Corin.15:12-57, 1Thess.4:13-16, Heb.6:1-2, phil.3:8-11, Rev.20:4-13)

3O. CHRIST’S THRONE OF JUDGMENTS (BEMA) :Immediately after the rapture the dead saints shall arise to meet the Lord and we that are alive with him on the cloud. It is the throne of judgment of Christ for the redeemed. The throne made by His blood, it is not our sin that shall be judged there, it is meant for the receiving the profit of our works. Anyone that have his works consume by fire shall have his life saved but will receive no profits, simultaneously, the great tribulation shall be on the earth. (1Corin.3:11-15, 9:24-27, 2Corin.5:10,11, Rom.1:4, Gal.6:8, Ephe.6:8, Col.3:24, Lk.14:14, Mtt.16:27, 2Tim.1:14, Rom.1:2)

  1. THE GREAT TRIBULATION: It shall commence immediately after rapture. While the saints, are up there at the throne by Christ receiving profits, the sinners shall be unleashed to excruciating torments at the hands of Anti-Christ here on earth. The period shall be the reign of the blasphemous anti-christ who shall speak against the name of Christ. (Mtt.24:21,22,29, Rev.9:16, Mrk.24:21-22,29, 2Thess.2:3-12, Dan.8:23-25, 2Thess.2:7-12, Rev.13:1-10.
  1. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST: The second coming of Christ will be accordingly to how he ascend to heaven. He is coming back to pronounce judgment over the ungodly and shall establish His kingdom on earth for a thousand years. (Zech.15:3-4, Mtt.25:31-46, 26-64, Mrk.13:24-37, 2Thess.1:7, 10,2:8, Jud 14:15, Act.1:10-11)
  1. THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON:- The beast and the false prophet shall arise to hinder the second coming of Christ. The same way the devil make use of king Herod during the birth of Jesus and failed, he shall also fail at this. Jesus will utterly destroy the demons with His mighty power and the beast and the false prophet shall be throw into the lake of fire. Satan the devil their master shall be binded for the period of a thousand years, this is the commencement of the millennia reign. (Rev.19:11-21, Ezek.39:17-20, Dan.7:11, Rev.20:10; 21:8)
  1. CHRIST MILLENIA REIGN: This is the dominion of Christ reign on earth in togetherness, with multitude of saints. At this time, the judgment of the inhabitants of the world shall be done. It is the period of Eden restoration- the privilege lost by Adam. (Jud.1:14-15, 2Thess.1:7-10, Rev.20:2-3, Isa.11:6-9, 65:25, Hosea 2:18, Zech.14:9-20, Isa.2:2-4)
  1. THE BATTLE OF GOG AND MAGOG: This shall commence immediately after the millennia reign. The binded shall be loosed, he will the proceed to the four corners of the world to deceive the people and gather them to himself, they shall surround the abode of the saints, thus fire from heaven shall descend and consume them and this shall lead to the final resurrection, that is the resurrection of the ungodly. They shall resurrect and come before the white throne of judgment. (Rev.20:7-15, Ezek.38:2, Zech.12:1-5)
  1. THE GREAT WHITE THRONE OF JUDGMENT: This is the final judgment of God over the ungodly people. This commences rightly after the end of the battle of Gog and Magog. The devil himself shall be drawn to the lake of fire where the beast and the false Prophets were, they shall be there eternally in pain and torment. The judgment of those that had ever lived on earth shall be pronounced at this throne. They shall be thrown into the lake of fire, there is no mercy nor justification for whoever that stands before this throne. (Dan.12:2-3, Matt.10:15, 11:21-24, 12:41-43, Jhn.5:28-29, Rom.2:15-16, 2Pet.2:9, Jude.1:6, 1Corin.6:1-4, Act.10:42, Rev.20:11-15)
  2. HELL: This is the final abode of all sinners. It is the place of eternal torment for whoever his name cannot be found in the book of life. Originally, hell was provided for the devil and his demons, but consequently. God planned to make suffer all those that reject Christ and walk in wickedness, because of their sin and how the neglect salvation. (Matt.25:41,46, 5:22,30, Psm.9:17, Lk.12:4-5, Mrk.9:43-47, Rev.14:10-11, 20:10, 12-15). Hell is place of shame and torment, it is the abode of the devil and death.
  1. THE NEW HEAVEN: God shall create a new heaven and earth, this is the of the redeemed forever. This present world shall pass away after the events of the great white throne of judgment. No unclean thing shall enter the new heaven. We shall know and identify ourselves there, our knowledge shall be restored. There will be curse no more, no heat, no darkness. The glory of God shall cover it. (Psm.102:25-26, Isa.51:6, 66:22, Mtt.5:18, 24:35, 2Pet.3:10-13, Rev.21:1-7, 22:1-5, 1Corin.13:12, 1Jhn.3:2-3). The tears of the saints shall be cleaned it is the final dwelling place of the saints. It is a place full of matchless blessing because God lives there.